Value of kelly
In this tutorial we met as a group with Rosa and other practice members to discuss the furthering of our project. The base-line that we have; a video portraying a dystopian world in which bitcoin is the only valuable valuta - is already a good stepping stone, but we should broaden it.

Some practice members expressed their joy of seeing our project, but wished that we would explore more of our options by asking other participants to participate within our project.

This way the project will come more to life
Leaving a puppy behind by itself

The tram came as usual 3 minutes before departure. Something I've always found annoying. The idea of ​​transporting yourself in an overcrowded machine at all has never appealed to me. Surprisingly. I hate being so close to people, you suddenly smell all kinds of body odors that you have never smelled on yourself. Every turn I am pushed against a fogged up window but I can't resist with a load of folded moving boxes in my arms. The audience in the tram has gone from normal to below average. Which I now also belong to… Fortunately, the smell of smoked cigars and wet fur coats still gives me a somewhat nostalgic feeling. After 18 stops, 3 elbows in my hip and an old guy sneezing behind me, I try to move through the crowd to check out with my PTBIT card (Public Transport Bitcoin card). The machine gives several error messages and to my great surprise the doors of the tram close. Stop the tram! Please stop, I want out!, I call. But the tram doesn't stop. After 2 stops of trying to check out I still get an error message. The further the tram travels, the more I end up in a sketchy neighborhood. Almost everyone in a fur coat and smoked cigars get off at the next stop. I have to walk 30 minutes from here to get to my father's house. And surprise, it's raining. With the moving boxes on top of my head, I walk out of the sketchy neighborhood again. It used to be different, I could text Steven the driver and he would be able to pick me up within 5 minutes. I can't believe all the 46 employees I grew up with no longer have their jobs. I have felt this fear since childhood, that everything could disappear in just one second and we would be left with nothing.

Father is waiting for me in his far too luxurious bathrobe in the doorway. As I approach, he looks at his overpriced watch and points out that he has been waiting for me for 47 minutes. No further comment about how soaking wet I am or showing any concern about how I'm doing at all, typical. I throw the soggy moving boxes on the ground in an empty hall. The sound echoes through the hallway and I am startled by the silence.
I've never seen our house like this before, I say.
Well it's not our house anymore, says father. I expected you to visit me more often Helena.
I hate this comment, as if he is the only one suffering.
Dad, where do you want to keep the boxes with our things? I ask annoyed.
He looks ignorant as if this was something he hadn't even thought about once.
And do you know where you will live next?
Again no response.
In a way I feel bad for him so we continue putting our valuable belongings into the wet moving boxes. Occasionally we recall some memories such as the one time Jake accidentally broke a very expensive golden elephant that was always standing in the hallway and Uncle Bernard exported a new one from China. It's a happy moment but also painful at the same time because we both know that this is the end of our privileged prosperous financial era. From now on, it's crashing with a family member until your Bitcoins are worth a high amount so that you can afford a decent rental house.
If you don't have a place to sleep for the first few weeks, you can always sleep on the couch at my place, you know that, don't you?, I say.
From a king-size bed to a sofa plucked from the street, he says.
We both laugh softly in a funny but sad way. I give him a kiss on the cheek and walk out the door.
I was glad you were there, he says.
Me too.
As I walk out the door I almost feel guilty leaving him there alone in the huge mansion. Just like I used to with my dog. This guilt of leaving a puppy behind by itself.
18 NOV
18 NOV
opdracht: maak een korte video (1” a 2”) mag niet iets nabootsen experimenteren met het scheiden van video en realisme, hoe gebruik je elementen in de ruimte om een andere betekenis aan een verhaal te geven

Consider the invisibilities, the “unthought”: borders that separate, delay, arrange bodies; movements that signify more than the physical action of moving...
The topic of our group is based on this idea that, in todays world, there is an inbalance in sentimental value vs. financial value. One could say that there is an misbalance in natural instinct as this is present in every organism, but surpressed by these new methods of living. The humans of today’s society are being displaced (from our natural instincts) to suit these new ways of living. By being controlled through these financial and economical systems.

the balance between natural instinct vs these new economical systems. satirical video about the natural instinct that is still present in all of us. concept: we see a person crouching in the tall grass with some sort of weapon. Eyes deadset on the price. perspective shifts to a plastic cup filled with ground up supermarket meat dragging in the sand by a hook - as if its an fleathing prey. Second act; same person this time shot from behind, fishing in a lake, close shot from the action of grabbing the fishing rod nearer to her. At last we see a fish in a vacuum plastic wrapper.
30 NOV
Within our group we rely heavily on the element of improvisation. We had meetings to create the base-line for what we want the project to be about and what our message would be. Through working together we found that in this way we have the most creative freedom whilst also keeping one another in check on our greater themes for the project.

We are working with elements of comedy, and we found that this works best on the spot for us. With an basic idea of what we want to film that day, we go in and play it out a few times. Some things work, whilst others don't. If we have the idea that something works we build upon that idea until it fits within the rest of our imagery.

This is a pleasant collaboration aswell due to our own respective majors; 1 transformation-design student and 2 audio visual students. Along with the tasks that we all took part in: finding ideas, writing the script, thinking of ways to visually portray our work - we also divided tasks based on our own strengths.

Roos our transformation design student is able to shape ideas in the broader sense, so that the message of our project ins't lost. Aswell as gather most of the research, with an eye that pin-points it's relevance for furthering our work and the making of our base-line story (swearing in church). The audio visual students take these chunks of research and transform them into imagery and an concept based narrative. Jurriaan is respossible for the more technical side of the project. His work consists of building our labyrinth of webpages (the making of the website) and doing most of the camera &sound work. Daphne, the other one of the audio-visual majors is responsable for the final edit of the project - in which she emphasized on timing so that the commedic effort (and jokes) would show within the film.
This page consists of our personal log, feedback and revisioned works correlating to the social practice powerplay theory and process. If you wish to see our research regarding this project please click
22 SEP
Daphne’s terms:

natural instinct: an unalterable way of reasoning, reacting and responding for an organism to a plethora of stimuli. A complex way of handling, devoid of ‘logical’ explanation, it just is comes from within oneself. For instence; how older organisms (usually) automatically want to take care of new life: loving it, teaching it and protecting it. It is this shared notion of a inner feeling one can’t beat; that you know when something is right and when something isn’t.

sentimental value: The bond one projects on a inanimate object. Usually deriving more form personal and emotional associations rather than the actual material worth of an item. Sentimental describes a feeling of looking back fondly on a memory of a moment in life, with a little mix of sadness in there as well or a longing to be brought back to that moment in time. It could also involve the associations of a loved one. Sentimental value is entirely personal - entirely based on the connection one has with the object itself. An item might have this value due to you acquiring it at an special moment within your life of from a special person.

Jurriaan’s terms:

Dissociate: a feeling of disconnecting from the world, feelings, thought, memory, identity or natural behaviour. We dissociate more and more from our natural state of being. Our main goal in life used to be survival, hunt or gather food and reproduce. With the constant development of new and easy ways to fulfil our needs we take away that goal and instinct. In that process of so called innovation we dissociate from our selfs, each other and nature. Escapism:  a tendency to escape into a fantasy world, seek safety and comfort away from reality. Escapism can be a coping method to deal with stress or problems, it’s a way to survive. You could say there are positive escapism or negative escapism strategies. A natural form of escapism could be physical work or meditating. a unnatural for a escapism could be drugs or playing games. Those kind of survival strategies change the individual and their ability to face realities of life on physical and mental levels.

Roos terms:

Posthumanism: is a philosophical term that you can link to a possible scenario for the future (whether positive or negative). In Posthumanism there is no difference between human and object. The human is no longer seen as the center, but as part of a system that consists of people, animals and plants, but also material objects. The focus is then no longer on human needs (including emotional ones).

Authority: in the broadest sense is about a position of power. A division in hierarchy arises where one person or system decides over others. It works according to rules and no longer according to human instinct. Of course it is based on the right thing for humans and the basic needs.
A greater description of this project you can find by
clicking on
And the final manifestation of this project
you are able to watch on
Thank you
Roos, Jurriaan & Daphne
26 SEP
The topic of our group is based on this idea that, in todays world, there is an inbalance in sentimental value vs. financial value. One could say that there is an misbalance in natural instinct as this is present in every organism, but surpressed by these new methods of living. The humans of today’s society are being displaced (from our natural instincts) to suit these new ways of living. By being controlled through these financial and economical systems.

It is 2025 and the financial system collapsed, money has no value and banks are useless. Big tech companies were prepared for this event and had a crypto (digital coin) system instead to implant as soon as the collapse started. This means that everyone who has invested in digital currencies like bitcoin etc has the upper hand in this new world. Suddenly the rich are now poor and the student who had a crypto wallet with 50 euros in it is now rich. The tables have turned.

Inspired by a text written by Kurt Vonnegut named: Cat’s Cradle (text we had to read for this upcoming friday). In the beginnen of the chapter or book, the line ‘Nothing of this is true’ is written. The writer writes a letter to the son of an scientist who helped in the creation of the atomist bomb destined for Hiroshima. The son writes back that he remembers the day that he expirienced the attack as a six-year-old boy, and how his dad acted throughout the day. The story is fictionalized, as the names do not ring true to the actual people. But on the internet there is some speculaties if it is based on actual people. In our flash fiction story, we applies the same method as the Vonnegut piece by basing it loosely on actual people but fictionalizing their names. We looked at people in high positions of power within the bank system and came up with Warren Buffet. In the story, we live through the eyes of his daughter; Susan Aice Buffet, who is fictionalized as Carol.

Swearing in church As usual, the bus came earlier than planned. I make sure to be there at least 5 minutes before departure time. I never liked public transport. Surprisingly. I hate having to stand so close to people and then occasionally be pushed against a dirty fogged window, especially not with my hands full with folded moving boxes. The smell of wet bond coats and people who have smoked their last filthy cigars is not very pleasant either. It is a rainy day so the mood of the average person is already very low. It probably won't get much better with Dad now that he has to do everything himself. I can't believe 46
working people I grew up with are all gone from home. I have had this fear since childhood, the fear that everything can change at once and we are left with nothing.

After swearing internally and gasping loudly for 18 stops, I get off the overcrowded bus. Father is waiting for me at the door of the house with a gloomy face. After a year, it has become common knowledge in the family that the words 'crypto' and Bitcoin' should absolutely not be spoken in his presence or in and around the house at all. It feels just like swearing in church.

"You smell like a wet dog and cigar, or unkempt and poor," said father. I hesitate to go against it and put this dick in its place, but on second thought I let him suffer in his own grief and anger. I'm the only one with Jake who probably still cares a little bit about our father. Or well, it feels more like an obligation to drag him through this miserable situation. If anyone could receive the No. 1 award from the greatest self-centered person on Earth, it would be my father.

He starts assembling the soggy moving boxes and throws some stuff in them. Stuffwithout function, stuff for decoration that will be worth millions in a few years. He throws away things with sentimental value because, in his opinion, they remind him too much of our prosperous past. The atmosphere sucks and every now and then I get a snarl when I put something family related in the box.

I ask him if it doesn't bother him that because of him hundreds of thousands or even millions of people have now become penniless, partly due to his stubborn traditional old white men's attitude to work? “You could at least have listened to the advice of the young entrepreneurs who have just graduated”. “You don't know how this industry works, Carol. I certainly don't feel like explaining that to someone who is not in this sector at all and knows nothing about it," he says in a condescending manner. I calmly get up and walk out the door in the rain and then go back home again at 18 bus stops.
Value of kelly